Wednesday, April 6, 2011

The Flavor of Discipleship

Jesus sure set the bar high!

I mean have you read the “Sermon on the Mount”?!

Blessed are the peacemakers, merciful, mourners, poor in spirit, meek, pure in heart… Okay, and even if you have some of these down, He doesn’t stop there! He goes on to say that as the salt of the earth we should bless those that insult us, lie about us, and speak evil against us.

Now, I have lived in South Louisiana just about all my life, and if there is one thing I know… it’s seasoning. I like food with flavor. I hate tasteless food!

I believe what Jesus is really talking about is the flavor of true Discipleship. Let me ask you a question… Are you leaving a bad, or bland taste in the mouth of the world around you?

Discipleship will demand everything of you. It is a life that has been surrendered to God; and then, God, by His power, will allow you to live bigger than you ever could on your own.

In our own power we will never be able to live this kind of life. However, through daily surrender to the Lordship of Jesus, we can and we must bring flavor to those around us.

We are the salt that will bring flavor back to the broken lives that have been stripped of the Glory (flavor or image) God intended for them. We are the spice, flavored by a committed life of discipleship that will right wrongs; bind up the broken hearted, and set the captive free (Christ through us).

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